Snakes represented Egyptian power. Aaron’s staff to turn into a snake is nothing less than a direct challenge to Pharaoh’s power. His magicians counter this attack by duplicating the feat, but their snakes are swallowed in the process. This sign and the ten plagues display one by one Pharaoh’s impotence, and that, God is the ultimate conqueror. This passage gives us a snapshot of the drama to unfold God’s final victory over Egyptians, and Jesus Christ crushing snake’s head in future.

To be human is not to be frail, weak, or rebellious. To be human means to be the pinnacle of God’s creation. It was humans alone whom God created in His image. Being human means having a great capacity for anything God- like. Moses became like God to Pharoah, which means God gave Moses God-like authority to fulfill the mission that God gave him. In the sermon Pastor Nadeem talks about what it means for us to be God-like, and what is our mission, as God’s people, in this world.

God sent Moses to Egypt as a deliverer and gave Moses the vision of freeing Israelites from Pharoah’s bondage. But, Moses vision is tested by temporary setbacks. On the other hand, God’s deliverance plan did not change or thwarted by these temporary setbacks. In our lives or church ministries we sometimes have to face temporary hurdles, such as financial difficulties, spiritual wilderness, opposition, rejection, discrimination, or oppression etc. However, no matter how big you think your setback may be, God has a bigger purpose for you. Don’t let your temporary setbacks discourage you.

This week we will continue our journey through the book of Exodus. In this sermon, Pastor Nadeem focuses on a strange story in chapter four. The text tells that God wanted to kill Moses. Why would God want to kill after calling him to rescue Israel? It’s a strange story where Moses’ wife circumcises her son. She calls Moses a bridegroom of blood. This story teaches that when we have any special service to do for God, we should remove as far from us as we can whatsoever is likely to be our hindrance

Pharaoh hardens his own heart and then God comes along and fortifies it, and strengthen it. And finally, the story tells, that Pharaoh’s hardening of heart leads not only Pharaoh to destruction but the Egyptians with him. Pastor Nadeem teaches in the sermon that hardened heart does not only occur in someone who does not believe in God. Rather, many faithful Christians seem to suffer from this spiritual problem too. In the sermon pastor Nadeem offers a few signs of a hardened heart and ways of softening it.

God appears to Moses in a burning bush to get his attention. When Moses pays attention God reveals himself to Moses and shares a divine plan with him. What is this that God is using to get YOUR attention. Of course, it will not be through a burning bush. Imagine what God will do through you, in Jesus’ name, if you pay attention and let yourself be used by God.

In this story Moses mother Jochebed demonstrates a profoundly courageous faith. it is no ordinary thing that you have faith in Jesus Christ. Your faith makes you children of God, something of great joy. In the sermon Rev. Nadeem invites us to recommit ourselves to practice our faith like Jochebed did. And if your life circumstances are making your faith little shaky, be bold and cry out to Jesus, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.” And Jesus will. God can use your courageous faith to accomplish his purposes. Our ultimate purpose is to practice and foster a courageous faith, in our lives and in the lives of our children.

God used the two Hebrew midwives Shiphrah and Puah, ordinary women, to counter Pharaoh’s evil plans. The scripture tells that because the midwives had far too much respect for God they opposed the Pharaoh, and despite all the risks involved they saved Hebrew children. Respecting God means putting God above everything else. God has us above everything else, that’s why he gave His only son Jesus for us. Where is God on our priority list? Rev. Nadeem challenges to take an honest look of our life and see if we need to shuffle our priorities to move God up.

God’s promised Abraham that his decedents would become a numerous people, as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand in the sea. We see that God’s promise of blessing continues generation through generation and the Israelites became so numerous in Egypt and it became a matter of grave concern for Egyptian king. God kept his promises with Abraham and his descendants and in the story of Exodus that promise continues. God’s promise of meeting our needs continues as well. Rev. Nadeem talks about what we ought to do to inherit God’s promises.