About Us

Our History

Crenshaw United Methodist Church began as a society under the Methodist Protestant Church. The society included Amelia, Nottoway and Dinwiddie counties and was established in 1827 on land a few miles from its present location. The members quickly outgrew the building and in 1845, a new building was dedicated. The building was then moved in 1872.

The town of Blackstone was growing in leaps and bounds, so it was decided to build a new church in a more central location. In 1904, the church was erected at its present day location. In 1923 the cornerstone was laid for the educational wing of the church. This wing was renovated in the 1950’s to better accommodate the congregation. In early 2002, the building was again renovated and expanded to the modern day facility.

Throughout the early years of the church the Methodist women saw a great need for foreign mission. When the Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South was formed, the women of Crenshaw immediately joined. These women began to see a need for local mission and in 1890 the Woman’s Home Missionary Society was formed. These women worked tirelessly in mission throughout the history of the church.

Since then, assembling the congregation as a whole has become active in mission work holding clothing drives, food drives, gleaning projects and UMCOR care packages. Throughout our history, mission work has been an integral part of Crenshaw UMC.

To read the complete history of Crenshaw please see the booklet written by Mary Woodson Irby called “Crenshaw United Methodist Church The First 175 years located in the church library.

Our Beliefs

From The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church – 2004. Copyright 2004 by The United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.

The People

Our Staff

Man standing in front of stained glass window

Rev. Steven C. Snodgrass


Woman with glasses perched of top of head

Anna Bass

Admin Assistant

Alice Allman

Children's Coordinator

Smiling woman

Lauren Spence

Youth Coordinator

Picture of Nursery Attend- May Lynn West

May Lynn West

Nursery Attendant

CUMC Parish Nurse Ellen Connalley. Visitation of church members, confidential counseling, serving as a liaison with health care providers, and providing educational programs.

Ellen Connalley

Parish Nurse

Woman wearing glasses and necklace

Joy Hogg

Music Ministry