Summer Sundays! Acts Chapter 4
Crenshaw Kids pray for our church, pray for friends and family and pray for each other.
Worship and Play
All smiles! It is fun when friends get to worship and play together!
Be A Light! Matthew 5:13-16
What a great Sunday! Crenshaw Kids enjoying the sunshine and worshiping their God!
Feed My Sheep
Jesus taught us how to pray and worship. Crenshaw models for our children.
Doubting Thomas
I am so proud of these children who give their very best to love, serve and praise our sweet heavenly Father.
The Triumphal Entry! Palm Sunday Celebrations
Sunday School on Sunday....We used eggs and objects inside to remind us of Holy Week...
Stations of the Cross-Preparing for our Holy Week
Crenshaw Kids give what they have to give and pray that it is used for God's glory. Thank you to these little ones who always volunteer eagerly to pray.