
The Great Banquet

As we continue our series on Apocalypse, Pastor Nadeem focuses on Chapter 19:6-9 in the book of Revelation.

Here, we take a minute to image a world without war, where unending joy and everlasting peace exist, where there is no evil, and where we live with others without persecution, scarcity or evil. These things can be hard to imagine – but there is good news! Not only will this world exist with the second coming of Christ, but YOU are invited!

Join Pastor Nadeem this week as we ponder the invitation to the Banquet.
Will you attend the banquet?
How important is this invitation to you?
What excuses get in the way of being at the table with Jesus Christ?
Are you too busy to attend?

There will be a great celebration for all invited guests. The question is, are we willing to attend.
