
Last Sunday Pastor Nadeem began a new sermon series “What Makes the Mission Possible?” In this four week sermon series we are revisiting the Biblical view of the Christian Mission and find that mission is much more than running a ministry program or carrying out a local or international rebuilding project. The series aims to help us as a Crenshaw family to learn God’s view of Mission and evaluate how Crenshaw is responding to Jesus’ call to the mission. Pastor Nadeem focuses on a well-known parable in the Gospel of Luke chapter 10 the parable of the Good Samaritan. Last week in the sermon I said that building relationship is an important component of our Christian Mission, and this parable is a great example. It is far deeper than just helping someone in need. I will focus what Jesus wants to teach us about building long-term relationships.

Pastor Nadeem begins a new sermon series this Sunday entitled “What Makes the Mission Possible?” In this four-week sermon series we will revisit the Biblical view of the Christian Mission and find that mission is much more than running a ministry program or carrying out a local or international rebuilding project. Beginning with Matthew 28:16-20. a text this is also known to describe the Great Commission; Jesus sends his Disciples to go and make disciples from all nations and people. Join us as we talk about what the Great Commission means for the local church and how we, as a church family, are responding to this call.

This Sunday, we celebrated our Youth as they were confirmed in their faith! Pastor Nadeem shared a message entitled “Now What?” which focused on Matthew 7:24-27 and discussed the meaning and significance of confirmation in the life of a Christian youth, and what is next after being confirmed. This is only the beginning!

As we continue our series on Apocalypse, Pastor Nadeem focuses on Chapter 19:6-9 in the book of Revelation.

Here, we take a minute to image a world without war, where unending joy and everlasting peace exist, where there is no evil, and where we live with others without persecution, scarcity or evil. These things can be hard to imagine – but there is good news! Not only will this world exist with the second coming of Christ, but YOU are invited!

Join Pastor Nadeem this week as we ponder the invitation to the Banquet.
Will you attend the banquet?
How important is this invitation to you?
What excuses get in the way of being at the table with Jesus Christ?
Are you too busy to attend?

There will be a great celebration for all invited guests. The question is, are we willing to attend.

This week, Pastor Nadeem focuses on the 16th chapter of Revelation. Within this chapter, we will enter the last set of God’s judgement during the Great Tribulation as well as the seven plagues that demonstrate God’s wrath for unrepentant human beings.
Within his sermon, Pastor Nadeem shares God’s desire for his people to stay awake and remain clothed for his coming. In verse 15 of chapter 16 Jesus says, “Look I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.”
What does it mean to stay awake and remain clothed, and how can we do it?

When you hear the word “Good News” what is the first thing that you think about?
This week, Pastor Nadeem continues the sermon series “Apocalypse” with a focus on the 14th chapter of Revelation. Here, he discusses the in depth meaning of the “Good News.” What makes the news the Good News and what is the significance of it for people on earth especially those called Christians? If there is a Good News, there must be some bad news in the world too? What is it the bad news and what makes it bad? Within the book of Revelation we learn that God will use special messenger to spread the Good News so that every human being anywhere on earth will have the opportunity to hear and believe. However, before that hour comes, God appoints those who already have heard and believed, the “Bearers of the Good News.” Listen as Pastor Nadeem shares more about your role as the messenger of the Good News!

Last Sunday, Pastor Nadeem spoke about the coming of the Antichrist at the end times, and how will he deceive the nations. We also discussed other antichrists of the past and even our days that teach and act against Christ, in the guise of Christ.
This Sunday, Pastor Nadeem continues with chapter 13 of the book of Revelation and focuses on the false Prophet of the end times. Through this prophetic literature, Revelation, Jesus has already revealed to us that the false prophet will appear on the face of the earth and perform many miraculous signs, including healing the deadly wound of the Antichrist. Nations and peoples will be deceived by what the false prophet will say and do in those days. Join us as we cover two important topics in this sermon entitled “The Bible, Tradition, and Culture.” First, how the modern false prophets of this age are deceiving people through their flattery words? And second, how can you recognize these false prophets, who may appear zealous for Christ from the outside?

The world is being deceived. Everything that we thought traditionally was right is now called wrong and everything we traditionally called wrong is now called right. The world is deceived by the lies. And one day there will come someone who will deceive the entire world, he is known as the Antichrist. The Bible says that the Antichrist will deceive most of the world, except those who will know the truth. Therefore, knowing Christ is critical to recognize the Antichrists of this world. Pastor Nadeem continues the sermon series “Apocalypse” (The Book of Revelation) with a focus on chapter 13:1-10. Here, he discusses the Antichrist and the number 666. Both, the old and new testaments speak about the coming of the Antichrist. Even Jesus warned about the Antichrist lest we are deceived.

We are grateful to Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson, resident Bishop of the Virginia Annual Conference, for joining us this week at Crenshaw UMC. Bishop Sue shared a message entitled God’s Extreme Makeover which focused on 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.

Don Knight joins us this week to share a message from the book of James 1:22-25 that focuses on the “hearers and the doers.” In his sermon entitled “The Power of Now” Don sheds like on the difference we can make, when we keep our eyes and hearts open for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ…no matter how small. Are you a hearer, a doer, or both?!

Justin Adams shares a message that focuses on a portion of the Sermon on the Mount that we find in the Gospel of Matthew. In chapter 5:11-16 we read about being the salt and light of the earth and making difference in the lives of those around us. What exactly does it mean to be salt and light? Take some time to listen in to learn more about what this could look like in your life, and why salt and light are an important part of our daily lives.